Bungay Sluice Eel Pass

The Brief
The Bungay Staithe Sluice on the River Waveney posed a significant obstacle for juvenile eels, requiring mitigation under the Eels (England and Wales) Regulations 2009. Aquatic Control Engineering (ACE) secured the contract to design and install an eel pass, with a focus on improving passage for eels and elvers.
The Solution
Collaborative Planning: Over several years, a collaborative effort involving ACE, River Waveney Trust, and the Environment Agency (EA) focused on planning improved eel and elver passage. Through regular three-way dialogues, the preferred solution was identified and successfully installed.
Challenges and Solutions: The size and location of the sluice presented design challenges, particularly in dealing with obstructions from existing equipment. ACE’s experienced team efficiently addressed challenges, minimizing delays. The ACE HDPE Modular Eel Pass system facilitated a tidy installation while ensuring safe access for operators.
Public Safety Considerations: Situated near residential properties, the site management prioritized public safety and security. ACE, drawing from its history of safe working practices, integrated additional health and safety measures to meet public safety requirements.

The Result
Improved Eel and Elver Passage: The successful installation of the eel pass at the Bungay Staithe Sluice anticipates positive results during the next migration season. The pass is designed to enhance the passage of juvenile eels, addressing the formidable barrier previously posed by the sluice.
Efficient Problem Resolution: ACE’s proactive problem-solving approach and quick rectification of challenges, especially concerning existing equipment obstructions, ensured a smooth project execution. Delays were minimised, contributing to timely completion.
Safe and Tidy Installation: The ACE HDPE Modular Eel Pass system played a pivotal role in ensuring a tidy installation. It not only addressed design challenges but also provided a practical solution that maintained safe access for operators during and after installation.
Collaborative Success
The successful implementation of the eel pass underscored the effectiveness of collaborative planning involving ACE, the Environment Agency, and the River Waveney Trust. The three-way dialogue contributed to identifying and implementing the preferred solution.
Public Safety Assurance
ACE’s commitment to public safety, especially in proximity to residential areas, showcased responsible project management. Integration of additional health and safety measures demonstrated ACE’s adherence to stringent safety standards.
Anticipation of Positive Results
The project’s success was not only in its execution but also in the anticipation of positive outcomes during the upcoming migration season. ACE looks forward to the tangible benefits for the eel and elver populations in the River Waveney.
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