Camden Lock Stoplogs

The Brief
Waterways Ireland sought refurbishment for Camden Lock, a historic structure dating back to 1790, to make it a versatile dry dock for inspecting the Jeanie Johnston Museum Tall Ship. The requirement included a competitive tender for the design, supply, and fitting of stop logs to seal off the lock chamber effectively.
The Solution
Four Stop Logs with Stainless-Steel Rebates: ACE proposed a solution involving the use of four stop logs, each weighing over 20 tonnes. These logs were installed into specially manufactured stainless-steel rebates, forming an assembly mounted into the existing masonry of the lock. The design followed the lock’s profile to ensure an effective seal.
Project Management and Execution: As the principal contractor, ACE managed the project comprehensively. The design and manufacture of stop logs were outsourced to Jansen Venneboer. ACE also oversaw the supply and installation of stainless-steel rebates, tailored to the lock’s structure and the fabricated stop logs. Certified diving partners were employed to install an underwater concrete base to provide a secure foundation for the stop logs.
Jack-up Barge Installation: A jack-up barge served as a platform for the installation. The process included debris excavation, underwater concrete base construction, and lifting the stainless-steel rebates into place using a knuckle boom crane. The barge transported the stop logs to the site, where they were lowered into position. The largest stop log, measuring 12.5m wide, completed the six-meter-high wall of stop logs.
Seamless Approach: ACE managed all aspects of the design and fabrication in-house, ensuring a seamless and integrated approach to the project.

The Result
Successful Lock Refurbishment: The implementation of four stop logs, stainless-steel rebates, and an underwater concrete base transformed Camden Lock into a functional dry dock, meeting Waterways Ireland’s objectives.
Effective Sealing and Draining: The stop log solution was successfully sealed, with the leakage rate well within agreed tolerances. The lock was drained to validate the effectiveness of the stop log system.
Timely and Budget-Compliant Delivery
ACE delivered the project on time and within budget, meeting the satisfaction of Waterways Ireland. The successful completion showcased ACE’s capability to manage complex projects efficiently and meet client expectations.
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